Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Glue Books - Altered Books - hand made books

I am not quite sure just what to call this new work I have recently completed. It is not an altered book, because I started with blank paper bound together with a plastic spiral. I started to call it a hand-made book but it seemed not quite right. Now someone has suggested that it is a glue book. But whatever you call it I enjoyed making it. I won a competition, an ATC challenge where the winner ( by drawing from a hat) is sent all the entries. I decided that I would use these to make a book so that they would be kept together. A few simple bits of scrap paper added, a few stampings and then I glued the ATC's onto the pages. Maybe you know what I should be calling it? Please do tell if you do, I can't go on making more, as I intend to, if I can't give them a name.

Here is the cover of the book:

As you may have guessed, I called it, "DOLOROUS ODYSSEY"

And her a one or two pages from the book:-

I have been quite busy with crafting/art of late, mainly due to enforced time at home after my knee replacement operation. One of the things I have been doing is to update my artist trading card lenses on Squidoo. There are several dealing with topics relating to this subject now but the original series of four have become quite large and a little unmanageable so any more updates will probably be done as completly new lenses. The four if you are interested in seeing them are:

  1. Making, collecting and selling artist trading cards
  2. Making artist trading cards
  3. Collecting and displaying artist trading cards
  4. Selling and trading artist trading cards
thanks for staying with me until the end, more eye candy soon.

Thursday, 3 March 2011

New Attempt to Earn Money from my Art

I have just opened a sales booth on Bonanza. So far I have posted about 20 collaged ACEO's in what I have called artyfax Gallery, why not take a peek? I hope to be including a widget in the side bar if I can get it to work. Off to do that now, back with more news asap.

BTW have you got a copy of this fantastically creative workshop book yet, just look at the crazy discounted prices from some sellers. I love the techniques that Berni Berlin introduces.