Sunday, 6 September 2015

Knowle Art Group Annual Exhibition

This has been a terrible year for me for many reasons, and many of these affect my ability to make regular posts to my several blogs. But I have been shaken out of this attitude today by the thought that it is only 2 weeks until my art groups annual exhibition. I just want to take the opportunity to mention it and maybe any friends living in the area will be able to pop along and join me in enjoying some of the art work which has been produced by the group over the last twelve months. First the poster - the landscape is one of my own paintings - used, let it be said because I designed the poster this year.

As you should be able to see, the exhibition is on the 19th September at St John's Church Hall, Knowle. It is free to enter and is open between 10.00 am until 4.00pm

My own entries are:-

Three lanscapes and an abstract painting. All are in artists' soft pastel this year. Because of increased membership this year, the maximum number of paintings are four although it is likely that not everybody will enter that many; so some of us will take a few extra pieces along, just in case there is room.

We have designed and built our own display boards which allows us to use locations which do not allow hooks to be knocked into walls, etc. The following images show a couple of shots from last year. We have a very good reputation locally for the exhibitions that we hold.

Hope as many of my friends as possible can make it. I will of course be seeing one or two people individually to try and persuade shame get their agreement to attend.

Hope to get back on a more regular basis if the real life issues start to solve themselves.