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Just a short post to claim this blog on Technorati
Posted by
John Dyhouse
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Posted by
John Dyhouse
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Well I thought that for my first real post, I would reiterate the last post on my old site:-
I was researching 'collaging' for my Squidoo lens Making ACEO's one of a series of four on ACEO's and I became knocked out by some of the imagery that I was seeing. I decided that I had to explore the possibilities of this popular art form. My first attempt was called 'We Remember Them All'. The three photos in the piece are actually three uncles who were respectively in the navy, army and air force, from a collection of family photographs that I have just discovered from my mothers attic. They had passed to my sister and then to her son who wanted help in identifying the subjects. I did not even know of the existence of this collection until last week. So the two circumstances were quite coincidental. Anyway, the aceo:-
Posted by
John Dyhouse
Monday, June 25, 2007
I have been posting to a blog now for several weeks but It does not allow the rich mix of facilities, that I have come to see and indeed expect, whilst surfing other writers blogs.
Rather than spend time fiddling and developing ways of incorporating these facilities into my current site, I have decided to move home. This is my new home and I will now only be posting to this blog. Some of my posts from the old site were relevant to a history of my art work (what a grand way of putting it!) and formed the start of an ongoing series of posts. These, where I think it useful, will be re-posted here for completeness. I hope to be posting regularly on a weekly basis but whilst I migrate these 'historical archives' the frequency will be of necessity, somewhat higher.
Apart from selling a few paintings at exhibitions with my local art group, I have been selling over the last few months on Ebay, especially the miniature art works known as ACEO's - Art Cards Editions and Originals. I have mostly concentrated on watercolour for these but my research for a Squidoo lens (a series of four actually ) has tittilated my artistic tastebuds and I have recently branched out into trying other media. The first of these has been collage and I hope to post one or two of these here soon.
So a continuing blog in a new home, I hope that all my friends have been invited and will bookmark or subscribe to this blog. My links to favourite blogs and web sites will also be migrated from my previous home asap. Please bear with me if you had a link from my old home, it will appear here soon.
Posted by
John Dyhouse
Monday, June 25, 2007