my first art doll, am I being led astray?
Well today is boxing day and I have been browsing the web. I found an art doll project which made me think I could show the ladies in my new web-art-group that I could make these too. The group has been getting into what they call Dottee Dolls ( using needle craft) and I have been left behind, not my fault that I am a male of the species.
I have changed several features and developed the design, it has turned out better than I thought for a first attempt. This one was to get some idea of sizes (e.g. how thick and how long should the limbs be?) and I hope I will now be making more. But what about my painting???????? It is crazy I want to paint but being creative is giving me so much pleasure that it is definitely taking a second place at the moment.
Anyway here is the beastie:-

I intend to develop the idea further, if you are interested in more details of the construction leave a comment with an email address and I will endeavour to get them to you.