Ok so passing swiftly on from the last post here are three atc's which I have made to a theme of orange - ever noticed when you start sifting thru your stash for something to fit a particular theme you have enough for many more than required - for the Make It Mondays challenge on Go Make Something Here are the three cards:-
geisha = butterfly

The background is from the
collage image group on Flickr ( it was the right colour) and the geisha image has been recoloured in photoplus, a free photo manipulation tool which does most everything which I want it to. I have Adobe Elements but am too lazy to load it and have to learn another interface.
When I think Geisha, I also think butterfly (but not necessarily first, LOL) so out came a couple of orange samples. the vine is printed on an acetate transparency and I have added a metal star in the lower right corner. The upper right corner is interesting in that it was a failed attempt at embossing. The pad must have been too dry or I had left it too long before covering in powder but the shape was only partially embossed. And you know what? I like it.
Knitting (or the knitting exhibition)

The background is from the same collage group on Flickr (again it was the right colour) . The main image is printed onto an acetate transparency (see below).
The stamping was done initially to liven up the background and having found and used a poster related to Knitting, the tape and buttons finished off the card rather nicely. Must say I am pleased with all of these, but the titles would not come for me. I think this is something to do with a challenge for the New Inspirations group on Yahoo, more below.
Pennies for your thoughts

Yet another background from the collage group on Flickr ( all together.... it was the right colour) and this image I know has been used extensively - I think I got it off
The coins (?) were from a bead stall at a market in Bridgnorth wher we stayed for a couple of days back in the summer (yes we did have a summer, June 25th) and are fixed loosely onto a gold coloured wire. The ribbon at the bottom was for balance and to add a little contrast, although it also served to add a little modesty.
Two points I made above:-
1) I have had several requests as to where I got the acetate transparency. It is a standard product used for overhead presentation foils, the brand I am using at the moment is 3M's but I am sure that there must be many others. Get it from off the web or many larger stationers. BUT DO BE CAREFUL.................. IF YOU HAVE AN INK JET PRINTER, MAKE SURE THAT THE FOILS ARE SPECIALLY TREATED FOR USE WITH SUCH A PRINTER. Standard foils are for use with laser printers and will not take the ink from an ink jet. This could lead to a messy print out or at worst a printer mechanism needing to be cleaned out.
2) THe challenge I refer to here is, Make Me Laugh. Most of my atc's have an element of humour BUT I am finding it very difficult to actually produce a humerous card. But the worst part is It is affecting all my output. I never had to think about the humour it just came naturally but NOW....... It's like having crafters block. All I can say is thank heaven for the numerous challenge sites which are keeping me going with themes and subject matter.