I always said that I had been addicted to ACEO's since stumbling upon them by accident whilst browsing on ebay.
I decide to research them more fully and started putting together a series Squidoo Lenses, which some of you may have been good enough to visit (in the process earning a few dollars for the Squidoo charity fund). Whilst putting this research together I was taken with the concept of collaging and started to experiment with one or two ideas, which I have mostly posted in this blog. This has in turn led me further away from my starting point into the realms of paper crafting. I am finding that there is much more to this than meets the eye. At one level it is simply about sticking 'bits and pieces' to a folded sheet of card and adding some kind of greeting, but isn't this what collage is about........... anyway to cut a long story short and to get to the point of this post without upsetting anyone, here is my first 'waterfall' ATC. I have become engaged in a swap on a crafting website and learning this technique fast!!!!

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