Sketching before collaging?
Hi again
I have a question for all you mixed media artists reading this blog. As a watercolourist ( primarily ) I will usually do several small, thumbnail sketches before I start on a full size painting. I have not done much painting lately, as you will know if you have been following my progress. However, because I enjoy sketching, I often use a sketch before collaging especially if I am working to a theme, etc for a challenge. If I have been inspired by an image then this is often an unnecessary step and does not lead to a sketch. But working to a sometimes obscure (?) theme, I find it very helpful to clarify ideas for images to select.
This is one time when I should have gone with the flow. I was doing an ATC for the Paper Digital Art and ImagesbyKim site on the theme of "Circles". I had one or two ideas off the top of my head but decided that my circles would be bubbles.... coming from the mouth of a fish! I very briefly sketched out an idea, using images of (fisher)men in the bubbles. I had a picture of a fish which I had cut out of a magazine and added to my collection of such things - rubbish my OH calls them - and decided that to add a little interest some seaweed would be just the job:-
I don't know why but the seaweed had morphed into a number of die-cut "fishy" shapes. The sea was implied by using torn paper of different shades of blue. The bubbles were cut from images using a die cutter, which is why the other shapes were made in the same way. I was never quite happy with it, but as the challenge was nearly closing I went with it and submitted this ATC.

And the question? Do you ever use sketching to develop ideas for collages?