I made a specific decision to get away from digital this week. Although I have found out how to use one or two new tools in my photoplus 6.0, but more of that in my next post.
Yes, this week I have made a few real physical, collaged atc's; and in so doing have rediscovered a yen for the simple life. You know... a background, a main image and ................. little else!
Take this first example...........

I have called this, " ...and the music turned his head". Another of those scraps of material which I used recently, I knew I could make use of them when I found them in a craft shop. I found the girl's image and thought it was just what I needed for this one. But she did look lonely so when I saw Robbie Burns, I knew just what to do with him. Couldn't quite get away from thinking it necessary to add a few embellishments at this stage, so out came the red, lacy edging and a few little sequins ( have I ever used them before? Never!). At this point I managed to consider it finished. One of the problems with this atc was I didn't want to cover the background - seemed a shame!
But........ I could be even more basic..........

This I called, " the hottest fire in the world, probably". With apologies to a famous lager advert!
I was actually trying to make an atc with a theme of fire ... well, I suppose it sort of worked out this way, but the images of the drinkers sort of took over. Found them in a magazine and decided that I could make a better composition with them than the photographer. I think I shortened the standing guy just a little too much, in hindsight.
and then.....
"This is where I planted my petunias". Originally cut these dancers from the same magazine, to use against the fire background. You can imagine the sort of title I was working on. But loas, they did not give enough contrast, oh for a little tweak with the digital toolbox! Anyway, I came across this garden scene and quickly changed my mind. Problem..... and I have come up against this before. When glueing flimsy images, do not use glue sticks! I lost the girls pony tail ( stuck on separately) and his nose, did you notice? I also lost a little of his torso, hence the butterfly; at least it does sort of fit in. It was actually a die-cut shape from an aluminium drinks can. Needs a little bit of pressure but it does work without damaging the cutter too much.
The last two were made using a background paper recycled from a smal gift bag. When I saw it I loved the images, but found it difficult to cover them up again.
The first, "this ole house..... rocks" resulted from a desire to match the main image with the modern looking background image. A jazz musician! I put the ADT tape house in because again I thought the shiny look felt quite modern (although it doesn't look too shiny in this image). Don't ask me why a rock and roll song title came into my head as a foil for the jazz musician.

Now, can you get any more simple than this? A slightly off centre image (oh yes it is!) on the same recycled background. AND why not a modern image? Just wanted to use this dancer .... again. Do I need a good reason for everything, I am an artist! Just couldn't find it in my heart to cover the background up any more than I already had. I do still have a few scraps of this paper left so look out for it in future atc's, LOL.