Hurrah, new paintings at last
Hi, had some spare time this afternoon and started surfing - checked my last post and it said I had to get back to some painting.......... well decided to get out my pastels as I find it easy to play around with these. Don't know why but I always find that I need to be so much more serious with my watercolours. they need a lot of thinking about before I start anything as a rule. Pastels are for me a much more relaxing medium.
Well, as I said in my last post it has been a little time since I did any real painting/drawing and although I don't often do flowers a couple of photos caught my eye from my reference pile. Pastels are also so much more about colour for me so I set about a couple of sketches with a vengeance. I think I spent about an hour altogether on the second two, which probably included setting up and pithering around before I actually started. I quite liked the results, but decided not to carry on and work them up into a finished painting; yet.
The first sketch was also about colour more than any other aspect of the image. Again it was a very quick sketch and haven't made my mind up on this one yet.
At least I have broke the run of collaged aceo's. All the above were roughly A4 in size. The first two were on Daler-Rowney black, Raven paper pad.